California Sea Lion by Wisco
  • Exhibit size: 10 x 10 ( 100 squares )
  • Fence Type: 40x low concrete fence
  • Terrain: 90 squares salt water and 10 squares gray stone
  • Foliage: 5 squares completely filled with water lily and 1 square completely filled with water reed
  • Rocks: 12x small rock
  • Shelter: no shelter
  • Toy: no toy
  • Elevation: no elevation needed
  • Animals: 1 male and 1 female
  • Animal Happiness: 100
  • Suitability Rating: 98
  • Total Cost: $14,000
  • Cost/Square: $140

California Sea Lion ( Marine Mania Version ) by Wisco

This exhibit needs a zookeeper! A marine specialist is not needed.
  • Exhibit size: 10 x 10 ( 100 squares )
  • Fence Type: 3x low rock wall + 48x black bar and glass fence
  • Terrain: 90 squares salt water and 10 squares gray stone
  • Foliage: 2 squares completely filled with water lily
  • Rocks: 12 small ocean floor rocks
  • Shelter: no shelter
  • Toy: no toy
  • Tank Level: 4 (standard level)
  • Tank Filter: Yes
  • Animals: 1 male and 1 female
  • Animal Happiness: 97-100
  • Suitability Rating: 100
  • Total Cost: $10,970
  • Cost/Square: $109.70