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Animal | Biome | Locale | Fav Item | Availability | Pack | Costs |
African Buffalo | Savannah | Africa | Tall Grass | 12 Months | Zoo Tycoon | $1,200 |
African Elephant | Savannah | Africa | Baobab Tree | 9 Months | Zoo Tycoon | $2,500 |
African Warthog | Savannah | Africa | Thorn Bush | 6 Months | Zoo Tycoon | $600 |
African Wild Dog | Savannah | Africa | Baobab Tree | Beginning | DLC/Complete Collection | $600 |
Allosaurus | Rainforest | Jurassic North America | Fern Bush | Beginning | Dinosaur Digs | $4,500 |
American Bighorn Sheep | Highland | Western USA | Sage Bush | 3 Months | Zoo Tycoon | $600 |
American Bison | Grassland | North America | Broadleaf Bush | 6 Months | Zoo Tycoon | $1,500 |
Ankylosaurus | Savannah | Cretaceous North America | Sigillaria Tree | Research: Conservation (Genetic Research) | Dinosaur Digs | $2,700 |
Apatosaurus | Deciduous Forest | Jurassic North America | Glossopteris Tree | Research: Conservation (Genetic Research) | Dinosaur Digs | $5,000 |
Arctic Wolf | Tundra | Arctic | Snowy Rock Cave | 9 Months | Zoo Tycoon | $1,150 |
Asian Black Bear | Highland | China | Himalayan Pine Tree | Beginning | DLC/Complete Collection | $1,100 |
Asian Elephant | Rainforest | Southeast Asia | Foxtail Palm Tree | Beginning | DLC/Complete Collection | $1,500 |
Atlantic Swordfish | Aquatic | Atlantic Ocean | Red Gorgonian | Beginning | Marine Mania DLC/Complete Collection | $1,000 |
Beluga | Aquatic | Arctic Ocean | Kelp | 9 Months | Marine Mania | $850 |
Bengal Tiger | Rainforest | Southeast Asia | Mangrove Tree | Beginning | Zoo Tycoon | $800 |
Bigfoot | Coniferous Forest | North America | Rock Cave | Beginning | Endangered Species Theme Pack | $10,000 |
Black Bear | Deciduous Forest | North America | Trembling Aspen Tree | 3 Months | Zoo Tycoon | $850 |
Black Buck | Savannah | India | Khejri Tree | Beginning | DLC/Complete Collection | $600 |
Black Leopard | Rainforest | Southeast Asia | Foxtail Palm Tree | Research: Conservation (Endangered Animals) | Zoo Tycoon | $1,600 |
Black Rhinoceros | Savannah | Africa | Umbrella Thorn Tree | 6 Months | Zoo Tycoon | $1,200 |
Bluefin Tuna | Aquatic | Atlantic Ocean | Sargassum | Beginning | Marine Mania | $500 |
Bongo | Rainforest | Africa | Elephant Ear Tree | Beginning | DLC/Complete Collection | $900 |
Bottlenose Dolphin | Aquatic | Many Oceans Worldwide | Kelp | 6 Months | Marine Mania | $1,000 |
Bowhead Whale | Aquatic | Arctic Ocean | Clam Bed | Beginning | Endangered Species Theme Pack | $5,000 |
California Sea Lion | Aquatic | Pacific Ocean | Water Reed | 9 Months | Zoo Tycoon | $700 |
Camptosaurus | Coniferous Forest | Jurassic North America | Walchian Conifer Tree | 3 Months | Dinosaur Digs | $2,500 |
Caudipteryx | Rainforest | Jurassic China | Williamsonia Tree | 3 Months | Dinosaur Digs | $1,500 |
Cheetah | Savannah | Africa | Thorn Bush | 9 Months | Zoo Tycoon | $1,600 |
Chimpanzee | Rainforest | Africa | Small Chimpanzee Bars | Beginning | Zoo Tycoon | $1,500 |
Clouded Leopard | Rainforest | Southeast Asia | Mangrove Tree | 12 Months | Zoo Tycoon | $1,800 |
Coelophysis | Rainforest | Triassic North America | Thouarsus Cycad Tree | Research: Conservation (Genetic Research) | Dinosaur Digs | $1,700 |
Common Sawfish | Aquatic | Tropical Oceans Worldwide | Stove Pipe Sponge | Beginning | Endangered Species Theme Pack | $950 |
Common Wildebeest | Savannah | Africa | Tall Grass | 3 Months | Zoo Tycoon | $1,000 |
Deinosuchus | Aquatic | Cretaceous North America | Bald Cypress Tree | Complete the Breeding the T. rex scenario | Dinosaur Digs | $10,000 |
Dromedary Camel | Desert | North Africa | Quiver Tree | 6 Months | Zoo Tycoon | $900 |
Elephant Seal | Aquatic | Northern Pacific Ocean | Beach Grass | 3 Months | Marine Mania | $1,500 |
Emperor Penguin | Tundra | Antarctica | Snowy Rock Cave | 3 Months | Zoo Tycoon | $1,100 |
Gallimimus | Coniferous Forest | Cretaceous Asia | Norfolk Island Pine Tree | Beginning | Dinosaur Digs DLC/Complete Collection | $1,250 |
Gemsbok | Desert | Africa | Quiver Tree | 6 Months | Zoo Tycoon | $900 |
Giant Anteater | Rainforest | South America | Ulmo Tree | 12 Months | Zoo Tycoon | $600 |
Giant Ground Sloth | Grassland | Ice Age South America | Monkey Puzzle Tree | Beginning | Dinosaur Digs DLC/Complete Collection | $2,000 |
Giant Panda | Highland | China | Bamboo | Research: Conservation (Endangered Animals) | Zoo Tycoon | $5,000 |
Giant Squid | Aquatic | Many Oceans Worldwide | Tube Worm | 12 Months | Marine Mania | $6,000 |
Giant Tortoise | Tundra | Ice Age Australia | Arctic Grass | Beginning | Dinosaur Digs | $2,500 |
Giraffe | Savannah | Africa | Umbrella Thorn Tree | Beginning | Zoo Tycoon | $1,600 |
Gray Wolf | Coniferous Forest | North America | Spruce Tree | 3 Months | Zoo Tycoon | $900 |
Great Barracuda | Aquatic | Tropical Oceans Worldwide | Sea Grass | Beginning | Marine Mania DLC/Complete Collection | $650 |
Great White Shark | Aquatic | Many Oceans Worldwide | Barnacles | Research: Conservation (Aquatic Animals) | Marine Mania | $2,500 |
Greater Flamingo | Savannah | Africa | Water Reed | 12 Months | Zoo Tycoon | $750 |
Green Moray Eel | Aquatic | Atlantic Ocean | Sunken Log | Beginning | Marine Mania | $800 |
Green Sea Turtle | Aquatic | Tropical Oceans Worldwide | Sargassum | 6 Months | Marine Mania | $600 |
Grizzly Bear | Coniferous Forest | North America | Yellow Cedar Tree | Beginning | Zoo Tycoon | $1,000 |
Hammerhead Shark | Aquatic | Tropical Oceans Worldwide | Sea Grass | Beginning | Marine Mania | $1,250 |
Harbor Porpoise | Aquatic | Pacific Coast | Sea Sponge | Beginning | Marine Mania | $800 |
Herrerasaurus | Rainforest | Triassic South America | Leptocycas Tree | 12 Months | Dinosaur Digs | $2,000 |
Hippopotamus | Savannah | Africa | Water Reed | 6 Months | Zoo Tycoon | $1,200 |
Humpback Whale | Aquatic | Many Oceans Worldwide | Sea Star | Research: Conservation (Aquatic Animals) | Marine Mania | $4,000 |
Ibex | Highland | Eurasia | Himalayan Pine Tree | 9 Months | Zoo Tycoon | $625 |
Iguanodon | Deciduous Forest | Cretaceous Europe | Magnolia Tree | 6 Months | Dinosaur Digs | $3,700 |
Jaguar | Rainforest | South America | Kapok Tree | 6 Months | Zoo Tycoon | $1,100 |
Japanese Serow | Deciduous Forest | Asia | Snowbell Tree | Beginning | Endangered Species Theme Pack | $800 |
Javan Rhinoceros | Rainforest | Southeast Asia | Giant Ficus Tree | Beginning | Endangered Species Theme Pack | $4,000 |
Kentrosaurus | Coniferous Forest | Jurassic Africa | Club Moss Shrub | Research: Conservation (Genetic Research) | Dinosaur Digs | $3,700 |
Komodo Dragon | Rainforest | Southeast Asia | Mangrove Tree | Beginning | Endangered Species Theme Pack | $1,750 |
Lambeosaurus | Coniferous Forest | Cretaceous North America | Dawn Redwood Tree | 9 Months | Dinosaur Digs | $3,000 |
Leopard | Savannah | Africa | Baobab Tree | 6 Months | Zoo Tycoon | $1,100 |
Lion | Savannah | Africa | Umbrella Thorn Tree | Beginning | Zoo Tycoon | $700 |
Lion's Mane Jelly | Aquatic | Many Oceans Worldwide | Clam Bed | Beginning | Marine Mania | $900 |
Llama | Highland | South America | Western Juniper Tree | Beginning | DLC/Complete Collection | $800 |
Loch Ness Monster | Aquatic | Europe | Water Lily | Beginning | Endangered Species Theme Pack | $2,600 |
Lowland Gorilla | Rainforest | Africa | Elephant Ear Tree | Research: Conservation (Endangered Animals) | Zoo Tycoon | $2,500 |
Macrauchenia | Grassland | Ice Age South America | Monkey Puzzle Tree | Beginning | Endangered Species Theme Pack | $1,500 |
Magnet | Tundra | Arctic | Snowy Rock Cave | Beginning | DLC/Complete Collection | $1,500 |
Malaysian Tapir | Rainforest | Southeast Asia | Giant Ficus Tree | Beginning | Endangered Species Theme Pack | $850 |
Mandrill | Rainforest | Africa | Elephant Ear Tree | 9 Months | Zoo Tycoon | $1,300 |
Manta Ray | Aquatic | Tropical Oceans Worldwide | Fire Coral | 6 Months | Marine Mania | $850 |
Markhor | Highland | Himalayas | Large Rock | 12 Months | Zoo Tycoon | $1,400 |
Mermaid | Aquatic | Many Oceans Worldwide | Sand Dollar | Put the Mermaid Statue in a tank of water. | Marine Mania | $2,000 |
Mexican Gray Wolf | Deciduous Forest | North America | Pacific Dogwood Tree | Beginning | Mexican Theme Pack and/or Endangered Species Theme Pack | $1,000 |
Moose | Deciduous Forest | North America | Weeping Willow Tree | Beginning | Zoo Tycoon | $700 |
Mountain Lion | Highland | North America | Sage Bush | Beginning | DLC/Complete Collection | $700 |
Narwhal | Aquatic | Arctic Ocean | Sea Lettuce | Research: Conservation (Aquatic Animals) | Marine Mania | $1,200 |
Okapi | Rainforest | Africa | Rainforest Bush | Research: Conservation (Endangered Animals) | Zoo Tycoon | $1,800 |
Olive Baboon | Savannah | Africa | Baobab Tree | 3 Months | Zoo Tycoon | $900 |
Orangutan | Rainforest | Southeast Asia | Durian Tree | Beginning | Endangered Species Theme Pack | $1,650 |
Orca | Aquatic | Many Oceans Worldwide | Seaweed | Beginning | Marine Mania | $2,500 |
Ostrich | Savannah | Africa | Tall Grass | 9 Months | Zoo Tycoon | $1,100 |
Pacific Octopus | Aquatic | Pacific Ocean | Seafloor Cave | 6 Months | Marine Mania | $900 |
Pacific Walrus | Aquatic | Arctic Ocean | Beach Grass | 9 Months | Marine Mania | $1,250 |
Plains Zebra | Savannah | Africa | Tall Grass | Beginning | Zoo Tycoon | $800 |
Plateosaurus | Deciduous Forest | Triassic Europe | Glossopteris Tree | Beginning | Dinosaur Digs DLC/Complete Collection | $2,600 |
Plesiosaurus | Aquatic | Jurassic Europe | Horsetail | Research: Conservation (Genetic Research) | Dinosaur Digs | $2,800 |
Polar Bear | Tundra | Arctic | Snowy Rock Cave | 6 Months | Zoo Tycoon | $1,500 |
Przewalski's Wild Horse | Grassland | China | Broadleaf Bush | Beginning | Endangered Species Theme Pack | $1,000 |
Red Kangaroo | Savannah | Australia | Hard Quandong Tree | 12 Months | Zoo Tycoon | $600 |
Reindeer | Tundra | Arctic | Holiday Tree | Beginning | DLC/Complete Collection | $400 |
Saber-Toothed Cat | Tundra | Ice Age North America | Arctic Bush | Beginning | Dinosaur Digs | $2,500 |
Sable Antelope | Savannah | Africa | Umbrella Thorn Tree | Beginning | Costco/Sam's Club-exclusive bonus disc | $900 |
Saltwater Crocodile | Aquatic | Southeast Asia | Water Reed | 3 Months | Zoo Tycoon | $1,500 |
Shortfin Mako Shark | Aquatic | Tropical Oceans Worldwide | Divercate Tree Coral | Research: Conservation (Aquatic Animals) | Marine Mania | $1,200 |
Siberian Tiger | Coniferous Forest | Siberia | Chinese Fir Tree | 3 Months | Zoo Tycoon | $1,000 |
Snow Leopard | Highland | Himalayas | Himalayan Pine Tree | Research: Conservation (Endangered Animals) | Zoo Tycoon | $2,400 |
Southern Sea Otter | Aquatic | Pacific Coast | Beach Grass | 12 Months | Marine Mania | $800 |
Sperm Whale | Aquatic | Many Oceans Worldwide | Stove Pipe Sponge | 12 Months | Marine Mania | $3,000 |
Spinosaurus | Coniferous Forest | Cretaceous Africa | Norfolk Island Pine Tree | Research: Conservation (Genetic Research) | Dinosaur Digs | $4,100 |
Spotted Hyena | Savannah | Africa | Umbrella Thorn Tree | 9 Months | Zoo Tycoon | $1,200 |
Stegosaurus | Coniferous Forest | Jurassic North America | Lepidodendron Tree | 6 Months | Dinosaur Digs | $4,000 |
Styracosaurus | Deciduous Forest | Cretaceous North America | Gingko Tree | Beginning | Dinosaur Digs | $2,600 |
Thomson's Gazelle | Savannah | Africa | Tall Grass | Beginning | Zoo Tycoon | $500 |
Tiger Shark | Aquatic | Tropical Oceans Worldwide | Feather Duster Worm | 3 Months | Marine Mania | $1,800 |
Triceratops | Savannah | Cretaceous North America | Grass Tree | Complete the Breeding Giant Pandas scenario | Zoo Tycoon | $4,000 |
Tyrannosaurus rex | Grassland | Cretaceous North America | Monkey Puzzle Tree | Research: Conservation (Genetic Research) | Dinosaur Digs | $6,500 |
Unicorn | Deciduous Forest | Europe | Japanese Maple Tree | Complete the Paradise Island scenario | Zoo Tycoon | $6,000 |
Velociraptor | Coniferous Forest | Cretaceous Asia | Dawn Redwood Tree | Research: Conservation (Genetic Research) | Dinosaur Digs | $3,500 |
West Indian Manatee | Aquatic | Atlantic Coast | Sea Grass | 9 Months | Marine Mania | $1,100 |
Whale Shark | Aquatic | Tropical Oceans Worldwide | Sea Grass | Beginning | Endangered Species Theme Pack | $2,800 |
White Bengal Tiger | Rainforest | India | Mangrove Tree | Research: Conservation (Endangered Animals) | Zoo Tycoon | $1,500 |
Wooly Mammoth | Tundra | Ice Age Eurasia | Arctic Birch Tree | Research: Conservation (Genetic Research) | Dinosaur Digs | $3,200 |
Wooly Rhino | Tundra | Ice Age Europe | Arctic Grass | Beginning | Dinosaur Digs | $2,500 |
Yeti | Tundra | Arctic | Snowy Rock Cave | Beginning | DLC/Complete Collection | $10,000 |